In Her Shoes: Claire

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Every heart holds a story. One of the most important parts of SheHopes is storytelling. Story is how we learn and find meaning. It’s how we connect. Sharing stories is how we know that we are not alone. For the past few years we thought it was our job to be the Storyteller - but it recently became clear how important it is for you to hear the stories of women and girls around the world in their OWN VOICE. As our Board Member Shana Chivon says, “We get to be the Story-holders and Story-sharers, but every woman and girl is her own Storyteller.“

Today we are happy to introduce you to one of the women we are working with in Rwanda. Claire has a vibrant spirit and an incredible smile. She sings in her church, and led the group in beautiful songs when we have visited their church outside Kigali, Rwanda. She led us in dancing in songs of joy, and in tearful songs of gratefulness. We are honored that she was willing to share her story with us and with you today.

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Please keep Claire close to your heart today as you look at her photos, listen to her sing, learn a small part of her story, and what it’s like to be IN HER SHOES. …

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My first pregnancy was unplanned when I was raped by an old man. I was sixteen years old. I was afraid of how my parents would react. I am grateful that my parents did not abandon me. Instead they helped me raise the baby. I am now blessed with a family and have three children. Please pray for my family. One of my biggest concerns is watching my oldest child struggle with not knowing their father.

~ Claire


*Claire gave her permission to be photographed, videoed, and to share her story with our SheHopes family. Her story was told to Ginger Lobdell and translated by Eva Mugisha.

 We are working to expand job training in Rwanda so mothers like Claire can work to provide for their families. Would you like to help make a difference in the world? You can purchase handmade purses from Rwanda by visiting the SheHopes online store, or donate and give HOPE here.
